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Shifting the Conversation is co-creating the shift toward more meaningful online interactions. Using digital tools and technologies, we can enable open exploration and social cohesion.


Toxic Talk

The interactions that currently get the most attention and engagement online are:

- Short toxic outbursts
- ‘Caps Lock on’ shouting
- Deep-set opinions
- Carefully targeted broadcasts


Enabling Future Skills

As a community within the Connectle ecosystem, we promote and enable the essential skills needed to contribute to cohesive online interactions. Cultivating a network of advocates and working with people that share our values, no matter where they are in the world, we connect the #KiwiSpirit.


Connecting the Ecosystem

Our values and our definition of the #KiwiSpirit, will emerge through the conversations and interactions we have as a community.

Conscious of the role that the digital space plays and how quickly it is evolving, we need guidance and support from across the global ecosystem to define our new rules of engagement in a regenerative and cohesive society.

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Six Key Elements

We have highlighted six key elements to guide our community’s wellbeing: